We made it! Now, if he starts to make his move, we are headed to the hospital and no one can stop him!!! It is amazing how God prepares you for this...taking the scaredy-cat out of you and makes you brave by making you miserable the last month! I have tried to keep a positive attitude and a smile on my face, but there are just days where I am not having fun anymore. Now, it is time to pack for the hospital...even if he doesn't come for a few more weeks...and to put the finishing touches on the nursery. I think we know all there is to know about parenting, so we are set there....HA HA! I am so thankful that we are not alone in this....God will teach us a lot I am sure!
Setting up Christmas decorations has a whole new spin on it, thinking about (hopefully) the little guy coming home and being able to celebrate his first Christmas at just a few days old - I will even take a couple of weeks old! What an awesome gift to be able to have this little one come at my favorite time of year!
Eddy has been trying out some of the fun toys for us...the swing is his favorite. He actually almost fell asleep when being rocked in it! He also likes the glider that we got...he will have some adjusting to do I think when he is not the center of attention...well, I guess so will I!
Thanksgiving was wonderful! We had my brother and soon to be sister-in-law Lisa come and stay with us for a few days. We were very lazy and it felt nice! We cooked our first full Thanksgiving meal and it was a blast! We had a fried turkey that one of the elders did for us - incredible!!! While they were here, we also registered at Target for their wedding. I miss registering...I had forgotten how fun it was..yes, we did it for the baby, but lets face it, I had more fun when it was for John and me!
Well, John has just informed me that biscuits are on the table for breakfast! I pray you had an amazing Thanksgiving and are enjoying this whole season of blessings!